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Apr - 2016


Dr Florian Kongoli went for a business trip ion South America where he met with numerous business leaders. Some of them are given below:

Dr Florian Kongoli with Eduardo Ribeiro, CEO of CBMM and Marcos de Souza, Director FLOGEN Technologies Inc. In Sao Paulo, Brazil

Dr Florian Kongoli with Eduardo Ribeiro, CEO of CBMM , in the sky above Sao Paulo, Brazil

Dr Florian Kongoli with Marcos de Souza, Director FLOGEN Technologies Inc., in the sky above Sao Paulo, Brazil


Dr. Florian Kongoli went for business trip in Europe and Asia where he met with several business and academia leaders. He also presented a Plenary Lecture in the "2016 Modeling and the high Information Technologies in Technical and Social and Economic Systems" 12-15 April 2016, Novokuznetsk, Russia


Dr. Florian Kongoli with (from left to right) Prof. Valentin P. Tsumbal, Vice-Rector of SSIU Andrey Feoktistov, Rector of SSIU Protopopov Eugene, Prof. Sergey Ognev, Olga Gutak, Head of International Office, in a special meeting in the Rector's Office

Dr. Florian Kongoli with (from left to right) Prof. Valentin P. Tsumbal, Vice-Rector of SSIU Andrey Feoktistov, Rector of SSIU Protopopov Eugene and Olga Gutak, Head of International Office, in a special meeting in the Rector's Office

Dr. Florian Kongoli with Prof. Valentin P. Tsumbal, and Olga Gutak, Head of International Office, in a special meeting in the Rector's Office.

Dr. Florian Kongoli with (from left to right) Prof. Sergey Ognev, Rector of SSIU Protopopov Eugene, Prof. Valentin P. Tsumbal, Vice-Rector of SSIU Andrey Feoktistov, and Olga Gutak, Head of International Office, in the Rector's Office

Dr. Florian Kongoli with Prof. Valentin P. Tsumbal, in the main hall of the SSIU

Dr. Florian Kongoli in the presidium of the conference and plenary session with (from left to right) Prof. Valentin P. Tsumbal, Rector of SSIU Protopopov Eugene, Prof. Lavrov Vladislav, and prof. Nikolay A. Spirin

Dr. Florian Kongoli in the Presidium of the conference in the Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session

Dr. Florian Kongoli in the Presidium of the conference in the Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session

Dr. Florian Kongoli delivering the opening plenary lecture

Dr. Florian Kongoli delivering the opening plenary lecture

Dr. Florian Kongoli receiving a gift

Dr. Florian Kongoli receiving a gift from Prof. Nikolai A. Spirin

Dr. Florian Kongoli with colleagues in a dinner

Dr. Florian Kongoli with colleagues in a mountain excursion

Dr. Florian Kongoli featured in a News report from VESTI TV Channel


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