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- Thermo and Physicochemical Principles in Pyrometallurgical, Aqueous (Hydrometallurgical) and Electrochemical Processes [Click here]
Reaction kinetics, thermodynamics, minor element behavior, chemical and transport properties of slags, metals, steels, moulds fluxes, gases, aqueous solutions, etc., Fluid-Solid Reaction Engineering with applications in the reduction of oxide and sulfide minerals, mineral leaching, oxidation of carbonaceous materials and sulfide minerals (roasting), Sulfur Dioxide Streams Treatment with application in new processes for reduction to elemental sulfur, Heat and mass transfer, Chemistry of power and energy generation (various combustion, gasification processes, oil shale and tar sand combustion etc), Solvent extraction, Mineral processing, Experimental techniques: Existing and new developments, Process modeling and simulation (computational fluid dynamic modeling, etc.), Refractory materials, degradation, control and optimization, Products quality and cleanness (metal, steels, etc.), Material processing: composite, hybrid, polymeric, ceramic and nanomaterials, Chemical synthesis of metallic and ceramic nanopowders]
- New, Improved and Existing Technologies in Pyrometallurgical, Aqueous (Hydrometallurgical) and Electrochemical Processes[Click here]
Metals, materials and minerals extraction and processing, Chemical and metallurgical process reactors: Control operations and new designs, Recycling, waste treatment, soil remediation and biotechnologies, Waste processing and water treatment plants, Solvent extraction process equipments, Mineral processing technologies, Advances in refractory technologies and their industrial application, Environmental issues and technologies in metals and materials processing, Technologically and environmentally undesirable minor components in product and waste streams; Power and energy generation; Products quality and cleanness (metals, steels, mattes etc.),Value addition and advance materials, Existing and new ways to produce new composite, polymeric or hybrid materials with upper qualities.
- Industrial Practice in Pyrometallurgical, Aqueous (Hydrometallurgical) and Electrochemical Processes[Click here]
Plant operations and industrial practice (non-ferrous, iron and steel making etc); Feed morphology and composition in various processes such iron ore sintering and nickel/copper, lead/zinc and aluminium/magnezium smelting and processing; Process Control and Optimization; Process modeling, simulation and automation; Process parameters in smelting furnaces, converters, electrical furnaces, refining vessels, iron sintering, blast furnace, BOF, combustion of gasification chambers, etc.; Products quality and cleanness (metal, steels, mattes etc.); New designs; Industrial application of new and improved refractory technologies; Mineral processing.
- International Symposium on Sustainable Non-ferrous Smelting in 21st Century[Click here]
This distinctively incorporated International symposium will cover all issues related to sustainable non-ferrous smelting through current and new technologies. It will include but is not limited to: Pyrometallurgical production of primary metals such as Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, PGM etc. from sulfide or laterite concentrates; Fundamentals of flash/bath sulfide and laterite smelting ; (reaction kinetics, thermodynamics, minor element behavior; Chemical and transport properties of slags, mattes, metals, fluxes, gases, etc.; Fluid-Solid Reactions etc.); Feed preparation processes, equipments; Roasting, smelting, converting and refining processes and equipments; Smelter gas handling and acid plants processes and equipments; Smelter dusts and fugitive emissions; Environmental issues and policies related to sulfide smelting; Furnace designs and refractory; Furnace operating practices; Control and optimization; New smelter and expansion/capital projects; New and improved technologies on direct producing of metals; The impacts of the current boom on basic metals prices and the predicted future of sulfide smelting operations; Alternative ways of producing metals from sulfide and laterite concentrates.
- International Symposium on Advanced Sustainable Iron and Steel Making[Click here]
This distinctively incorporated International symposium will cover all issues related to advanced sustainable iron and steel making. The most recent developments in current and improved technologies will be covered and a special importance will be given to new and more efficient technologies recently developed or under development. The symposium will include but will not be limited to:
- Raw Materials
- Coke
- Coal
- Comminution
- Magnetic Separation
- Froth Flotation
- Ironmaking
- Blast Furnace
- Direct Reduction
- Direct Smelting
- Steelmaking
- Basic Oxygen Furnaces
- Electric Arc Furnaces
- Contaminant Removal
- Environmental
- Carbon Dioxide
- Sulfur Oxides
- Nitrogen Oxides
- Mercury
- Volatile Organics
- Integrated Production vs. Minimill Production
- International Symposium on Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids 2011[Click here]
Molten salts and ionic liquids are both liquid salts containing only ions - they are thus the same subject. All that is different is the temperature! Both fields involve the study of Coulombic fluids for academic and industrial purposes; both employ the same principles; both require skilled practitioners; both speak the same language. There is so much knowledge, both empirical and theoretical, which can be passed from the molten salt community to the ionic liquid community, and vice versa. Starting from there, the traditional EUCHEM Conferences on Molten Salts in Europe followed this reality and from 2006 became EUCHEM Conferences on Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids. Structure, dynamics, electrochemistry, interfacial and thermodynamic properties, and theoretical studies are essential for an in-depth understanding of the general physicochemical properties of these Coulombic liquids. Experimental and theoretical methods for investigating these data are being elaborated, as are techniques for data collection and analysis, with a focus on technologically important applications.
This distinctively incorporated symposium will cover but it is not limited to the following topics:
- Synthesis, characterisation and analysis
- Corrosion & Electrodeposition
- Surface, Interface, Nanoscale
- Spectroscopy and structure
- Thermodynamics & Transport
- Theoretical and computational studies
- Nuclear energy
- Fuel cells
- Solar energy
- Data in the electronic age
- Environmental/Health, Energy and Policy Issues Related to Metals, Materials and Mineral Processing [Click here]
A clean environment, good health conditions and proper uses of energy recourses are all specifically and distinctively related to metals and mineral processing. CO2 emissions, global warning and the utilization of energy resources are directly related to these industries since they are considered the biggest polluters of our times and the biggest consumers of the energy resources. A sustainable development requires a careful review of these issues. As a result the symposium will cover but will not be limited to:
- The most up-to-date environmental policies in various part of the world.
- The most up-to-date energy policies in various parts of the world
- Current, established and planed measures to protect environment and the health of population as they relate to heavy processing industries
- Current measures and the future plans to reduce CO2 emissions in metals and mineral processing industries.
- Analysis of the current environmental problems and health issues related to metals and mineral processing industries
- Legal, Management, Economical and Social Issues Related to Metals, Materials and Minerals Processing [Click here]
The symposium will cover but will not be limited to all aspects of legal, management, economical and social issues related to metals, materials and mineral processing:
- Effect of globalization and economic crisis on the production rates of minerals, metals and materials processing.
- Merging and/or buyout of industrial complexes and companies in various countries with various legal and political systems and their respective effects;
- Social and economical impact of metals and materials processing industries during booming and crisis periods.
- Effective management of integrated smelting complexes.
- Effective managements of mineral, metals and materials resources.
- Price fluctuation in raw materials, coke, scrap and metals;
- Patents; Copyrights; Intellectual Properties, contracts, confidentiality and litigation;
- Technology transfer legal and management issues;
- Composite and Ceramics Materials Processing Symposium [Click here]
The aim of this symposium is to provide a forum for the discussion and dissemination of recent developments in the processing, characterization and properties of composites and ceramic materials. Accordingly, contributions are invited that include but are not limited to the following areas: metal- and, ceramic- matrix composites; oxide and non-oxide ceramics; bio- ceramics and composites; synthetic, recycling/waste, and natural materials; processing with ex-situ and in-situ formed phases; mechanical milling and activation; sintering related issues; investigations involving continuous and short fibers, whiskers and particle reinforcements; sandwich structure and functionally graded materials; solid-, semisolid- and liquid-state processing routes; macro, micro, and nano length-scale reinforcements; thermal, mechanical behavior (elastic modulus, modulus of rupture (MOR), KIC), and fracture surface analysis; novel processing and characterization techniques, sol-gel, gas processing and deposition routes (PVD, CVD, CVI, etc.); ceramics for structural and functional (electrical, dielectric, optical, magnetic applications); corrosion behavior of composites and refractory materials.
- Titanium: Extraction, Processing and properties for wide applications[Click here]
This symposium will address the latest developments and breakthroughs in all areas of science and engineering of titanium technology with special emphasis to FFC ( Fray, Farthing and Chen) Process that aimed to reduce the cost of titanium for end users. The broad areas that will be covered by the symposium include, but not limited to, extractive metallurgy, melting, casting and refining practices, powder processing and handling, deformation processing, alloy development, and microstructure and property enhancement through secondary processing.
- Boron and Borates: Extraction, processing and applications[Click here]
- Production of Boron Related Materials (single crystals, thin films, nanopowders, ceramics, raw materials, coatings, glasses, composites, biopolymers etc.) in normal and extreme conditions (super-high pressure, ultracentrifuging, microgravity).
- Crystal Structure and Chemical Bonding (nonstoichiometry, defects, clusters, quantum-chemical calculations).
- Physical and Chemical Properties (band structure, phonon spectra, superconductivity, optical, electrical, magnetic, emissive, mechanical properties, phase diagrams, thermodynamics, catalytic activity etc.) in a wide range of temperature and pressure.
- Applications and Prospects (memory elements, thermoelectric converters, composites, ceramics, coatings, biomedicine etc.)
- Materials Recycling Processes and Products[Click here]
The Materials Recycling Processes and Products section covers a wide spectrum of topics relating to a variety of materials, processes, and products. It covers ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, light and heavy metals, noble and rare earth elements, and polymeric materials. Melting, casting and many other forms of material processing are used in material recycling. The products from materials recycling can be used as recycled raw material for further refining and new products. They can also be used as structural materials for construction and other parts. Materials recycling applies the advanced principles of both chemistry and physics. The practice of material recycling involves both chemical and physical metallurgy, and many other materials processes. This symposium aims to provide a forum for all interested scientists, engineers, regulators, investigators, and environmental protection advocates, offering them an opportunity to address a broad range of topics in this field. Scientists, engineers, and researchers from both academia and industry are invited to report their scientific findings and engineering discoveries. Government regulators and industrial advisers are invited to provide their advice and interpretations of regulatory rules, policies, and guidance on materials recycling. Environmental protection advocates are also welcome to express their thoughts on materials recycling and to analyze the impact of materials recycling on the environment, industry, and economy.
- Silicon Production, Refining & Recycling for Photovoltaic Cells[Click here]
This symposium will support the growing need for renewable clean energy. It will enable research and the latest developments to be presented on the Production, Refining & Recycling of silicon and other materials used to produce photovoltaic solar cells and modules. The areas for papers are:
- Production: Carbothermic, Siemens, fluidized bed, electrochemical, fractional crystallization, and other emerging methods.
- Refining & Purification: Electrolytic, solidification, filtration, slag refining, plasma refining, vacuum refining, leaching or other innovative techniques that will remove purities from silicon such as B, P, heavy metals e.g. Fe, or remove inclusions.
- Recycling: Methods to recycle ingot top-cuts, kerf loss silicon, silicon cells, Ag, glass, aluminum frames, solder interconnects, Pb-free solders, alternative thin film materials.