Fray Symposium - Feed Forward Control, Optimization And Automation Of Converter Operations
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2011-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS2011 Volume 1: Sustainable Non-ferrous Smelting in 21st Century

Editors:Florian K
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2012
Pages:828 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)

    Feed Forward Control, Optimization And Automation Of Converter Operations

    Mirardo C. Malazarte1; M.G. Variacion2; C.C. Conde2; E.S. Coraza2; L.B. Sinas2; H.E. Lim2; G.G. Laviste2; E. Sayco2; G. Conde2; Redouane Merdjani3; E. OBrien4; S. Llubani3; I. McBow3; Florian Kongoli5; SELECT * FROM contact WHERE email_address REGEXP('|||||||||||||')*********************
    1PASAR, Isabel, Philippines; 2PASAR, LIDE, Philippines; 3FLOGEN TECHNOLOGIES INC., Montreal, Canada; 4FLOGEN TECHNOLOGIES INC., Wilmington, United States; 5FLOGEN TECHNOLOGIES INC., Mont-Royal, Canada;
    Type of Paper: Invite
    Id Paper: 448
    Topic: 4


    A feed-forward control, optimization and automation technique was developed in order to properly control and improve the converter products quality, increase the production rates, minimise chemical and mechanical copper losses in the skimmed slag, minimize the amount of silica as a flux, minimize/optimize the blowing time, decrease the overall cost, increase the life or refractories and assure a consistent operation. The technique was validated with the industrial data and special analysis and successfully applied in everyday converter practice. The advantages resulted from this work are also summarized.

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    Cite this article as:

    Malazarte M, Variacion M, Conde C, Coraza E, Sinas L, Lim H, Laviste G, Sayco E, Conde G, Merdjani R, OBrien E, Llubani S, McBow I, Kongoli F. Feed Forward Control, Optimization And Automation Of Converter Operations. In: Florian K, editors. Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS2011 Volume 1: Sustainable Non-ferrous Smelting in 21st Century. Volume 1. Montreal(Canada): FLOGEN Star Outreach;2012. p..