Fray Symposium - Stainless Steel Slags: Processing, Microstructure And Utilization
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2011-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS2011 Volume 4: Materials Recycling, Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Boron & Borates

Editors:Florian K
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2012
Pages:754 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)

    Stainless Steel Slags: Processing, Microstructure And Utilization

    Yiannis Pontikes1; Bart Blanpain2; Tom Jones1; Xuan Wang2; Daneel Geysen1; Lubica kahalova2;
    1KULEUVEN, Leuven, Belgium; 2KULEUVEN, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Id Paper: 315
    Topic: 12


    Slags are essential in high temperature metallurgical processing to purify molten metal at competitive prices. Large volumes are produced annually, leading to important economical and ecological issues regarding their afterlife. To maximise the recycling potential, slag processing has become an integral part of the valorisation chain. Stainless steel slags present a fascinating case. During the melting and decarburization processes the chromium content of the slag is a major metallurgical factor. The cooled and treated slag can for instance be used as an aggregate in road construction. In this paper some of the past and present work on stainless steel slags will be highlighted: chromium recovery in the EAF process; boron stabilisation and distribution in slags; and slag microstructure development during solidification. Relationships between the metallurgical process requirements, hot stag slag processing and utilization potentiality of the slag will be discussed. It will be shown that control of the slag ‘microstructure’ during metallurgical processing and in the cooled product are essential both to metallurgical process optimisation and slag valorisation.


    slag, stainless steel production, valorisation

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    Cite this article as:

    Pontikes Y, Blanpain B, Jones T, Wang X, Geysen D, kahalova L. Stainless Steel Slags: Processing, Microstructure And Utilization. In: Florian K, editors. Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS2011 Volume 4: Materials Recycling, Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Boron & Borates. Volume 4. Montreal(Canada): FLOGEN Star Outreach;2012. p..